Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Robert S.


Anonymous said...

Jonathan S. HHS

Hey buddy this photo looks very cool. I like the contrast of the green of the fire work and the black of the sky. I am wondering if you edited this photo or not. Either way it looks like you are a pro. Later Bro.

Anonymous said...

Connor B. HHS

i really like this photo. you managed to get the right iso witch is hard with fire works in the dark. i love how the background is black and the fireworks color contrasts with it. it makes it really pop out. the only thing i would change is try to get the entire fire work in the photo. the mood of this photo is very happy it has a nice bright vibrant color and a dark background witch really puts emphasis on the color.

Anonymous said...

Connor H-HHS
I really appreciate the emphasis of the central fireworks in the photo. The photo is unified and all of the parts come together very well. I would like to see this photo with more sky or background.

Anonymous said...

Taylor C-HHS

I love the photos contrast between the black background and the light of the firework. The colors of the firework and the background create a emphasis on the firework, and i really like that. There is a very sharp focus on the subject, the firework, in this image because it is the only object in the photo. I really like this photo because it creates a very celebratory and excited mood which makes me really happy. :)

Anonymous said...

Christopher J_HHS
I really like the variety of colors in this photo. I also like the emphasis of the fireworks on the black negative. I wish that the photo was a little bit larger so I could see the exact balance in the photo, although it seems to be asymmetrical from what I can see. I really like this photo because of the unity in the photo.

Anonymous said...

Zach K - HHS
This is a very nice photo. I've tried to photograph fireworks before and it can be difficult. I like that the subject is centered, and also that the photo is asymmetrically balanced because of all the sparks going off to the sides. I also like the extreme contrast between the flash of the firework and the night sky. I think I'd like to see this photo a little less zoomed in to capture more of the firework. Good job.

Anonymous said...

Damaris G-HHS

I like this picture because of how it's taken how the subject is right in the middle and spreads on out. I like how i clear you can see the detailed fireworks. I also like how it's the subject is bright then there's the pitch black black ground.My mood for this picture express happy , like a splash of joy is what the firework looks like. I like it because it's detailed and clear.

Anonymous said...

Michael C-HHS

Its sparkly. And the contrast is pretty good. You did a good job taking capturing this at night. The lack of a background really adds to the photos composition.

Anonymous said...

John H-HHS

This is a great picture of something that is hard to capture on a camera. I like that the fireworks are centered which makes the picture appear somewhat symmetrical. The colors are vibrant enough without having to be edited but it would have been interesting to see what the picture would look like when the colors are changed,

Anonymous said...

Kathryn D - HHS

I love this picture! I like the contrast between the Dark sky and the beautiful Fireworks. Its balanced really well. I find this picture giving hope to people I think it will brighten their day when they see the simple beauty of the fireworks against the Pitch black Sky. When I see this It brings back my own memories of fireworks and that brings me a lot of joy.