Sunday, March 20, 2011


Anna W.


Romeo B said...

the is picture its great i like the eye it look like the greek gods look at the human world. You need to blind you face little more cause you still can see you teeth and some of your face.

Anonymous said...

This picture really tells a vivid story. I like how that face is in the background like in the sky. The sun light in this picture adds to the detail of the picture. I also see like some leaves in the picture that add some other aspects to the photo. The eyes in the image are really the main focus of this photo.

Anonymous said...

This picture really tells a vivid story. I like how that face is in the background like in the sky. The sun light in this picture adds to the detail of the picture. I also see like some leaves in the picture that add some other aspects to the photo. The eyes in the image are really the main focus of this photo.

Sophie M said...

This is really cool! I love how the eyes are in the center of the leaves and the trees. It's like how you see your world. Beautiful blending. Good job Anna!!

Katt P.-HHS said...

This is soooo cool. I love how you can only see the eyes in the face and how it blends in with the sky. I also love how the color of the eyes match the color of the sky. I think you could have made the hair a little less noticeable, but other than that you did a really great job.

KathrynD-HHS said...

Wow! This is a really cool pictureI love it! All of your pictures blend in really Well and her eyes are so bright and Clear I love it. I think maybe that the sunset could have been a little brighter but other than that amazing job!

johndavid said...

I like the eyes.

Damaris G_HHS said...

This picture stand outs to me because of how well its done. It's really interesting, i think the idea is creative, when you look at the picture, it leads your eyes to the focus which is the eyes. I would like to see how different it'd be if the eyes were like at the top or even the bottom. I like how the colors blend smoothly. GREAT PICTURE !

Anonymous said...

Anna B_HHS

Hey anna, i love this picture. The layers work great together especially with the eyes less opaque! You could have also blurred all the skin around the eyes but it looks good the way it is!