Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Connor H.


Abby P-HHS said...

This picture is really cool. I like the way the baseball is faded and the fireworks are to the side. I would like to see more of the baseball field. Overall, I think the way this image was put together creates good unity. The theme is clearly represented. Good job!

Robert S-HHS said...

I really like this picture. I think its cool how the stitches on the baseball are at the very edge of the picture. I think that it would be cool to see the Braves logo off center. Overall, great image! I can't wait to see you're next masterpiece!

Jonathan S-HHS said...

This picture looks absolutely amazing. I love the stitching of the baseball at the edges of the picture. The fade of the background gives the picture a old time feel to it. The Braves logo and the fireworks make this picture look even better. This picture is by far one of the coolest pictures I have seen on this blog. Keep up the good work.

John H-HHS said...

The quality of this picture is amazing. The amount of detail present in the lighting and the detail in the stands in the background is awesome. The editing also works perfectly to give a 'ole time baseball' feeling to Turner Field. The custom baseball stitches are also a nice addition though there are some small insignificant flaws. Great job!

Christopher J-HHS said...

This photo is really cool. I personally like the braves so I really like it. I would like to see this photo in black and white, but overall this is a really good photo. Great Job.