Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Damaris G.


Rachel S said...

I like what you did with this. The sharpness and contrast of the icicles makes this look appealing. I also like the cold feel it has. The only thing is i wish you could see the whole icicle that the focus is on. But otherwise, very nice!

AbbyP_HHS said...

I really like this picture. I like the angle it's take from and that you didn't just take it from straight on. From this angle I can see clearly all of the icicles. I also really like the low saturated colors that this picture has. I would like to see this image with a little more color. Nicely done.

Anna W_HHS said...

this picture is really good! I love the definition of the icicles. The angle you took this picture also makes it very interesting. I like how its black and white because it gives it a very wintery feel. You did a really good job:))

Michael C-HHS said...

I love this picture! The sharpness of the icicles really enhance the overall composition of the image. I like how some of the icicles are not in focus because it draws the viewer in. Also, i like how the wood is a little in focus and how the picture is in black and white. Keep up the good work!

Megan R_HHS said...

This is a really great picture! It's so detailed and I really like how the background is blurry. It's also very balanced. The colors add a lot of emotion to the photo. Overall I really like this, great job!!

Anonymous said...

Britney B-HHS
I loveeee this! It's hard to tell if it's in black & white or not which makes it kinda like a mystery haha. The water drops look amazing. They're all different lengths which adds variety and more texture

Brittany M-HHS said...

I really like this picture! The angle that this was taken at really brings attention to my eyes and is really interesting. The detail of the photo is awesome and the icicles are really focused. And I also really like how the background is blurry! It puts all the main focus on the icicles. I love how this is in back and white. Great Job!

Haley B-HHS said...

I really like this picture. The angle that you took the picture in makes the picture really cool. I like how some icicles are in focus but the others are blurred. I would like to see this picture in color but the black and white works really well for it. Overall you did a great job!

Joanna W- HHS said...

This is a good close up of the icicles. The shallow depth of field works really well by putting the focus on one of the icicles in the middle and blurring out the rest. The leading lines in this photo make it really interesting as you eye starts at the grain of the wood and follows the lines through the picture to the icicles in the back. I think this image wold also look good in color if the wood had a warm tone to it that would contrast with the cold look and feel of the ice. Overall, though, this is a very successful image.

Christopher J-HHS said...

This is a really good photo. The detail in the icicles is really good. I also like how the photo gets blurry on the let side and it fades out. The clarity of the image is really nice. Good job.

Mallory A-HHS said...

I love this photo!! I love the color and the definition in the icicles! It looks so cool! I like how the front is in focus and as is goes back it gets blurry! it looks great! Good job!!

Susan S-HHS said...

I really like this picture!!!! i really like the color of the whole picture and the details in the icicles making it look preety.

john david said...

The icicles are very pretty.
john david