Friday, December 3, 2010

Autumn Leaf

Julianne F.


Ashleigh W-HHS said...

This is really cute! The reddish leaf really stands out from the background. This picture was a good choice for color restoration too, because I think any leaf you would have chosen to restore the color, would have worked well with the picture. I do like how the leaf is centered, but it doesn't really have to be. It's just a good picture all around. good job :)

Molly R-HHS said...

I love this! I really like how the subject is in the center of the picture. I also like how only on leaf is in color. The contrast between the bright leaf and the black and white background looks really cool! well done!

Damaris G_HHS said...

This picture really stands out to me. I like how the colored leaf is in focus and how the black and white is dark are in different tones. I really like this !

Hannah M_HHS said...

I love this picture!
I really like the balance between the leaves in the background. I especially like the color of the one orange/red leaf.
I like how the one leaf is really in focus as well.

Courtney F_HHS said...

I really like this picture. Not only does the leaf stand out because of its color, it sorta has a stand out effect. This makes the picture look really different,in a good way.

Anonymous said...


This picture is awesome. I really like the balance between the colored leaf and the background. I like the way the leaf is in he focus. The black and white is dark and are in different tones. I also like the effect of the leaf. The color of this image is also good too. Good Job :)

Zach K_HHS said...

I like this picture. I like how the subject is centered and vibrantly colored against a colorless background. There is a lot of detail in this picture as well. Good work

Sarah T- HHS said...

I looooove this! I think you had a really good idea to take the picture, make it black and white, and then restore the color of that one leaf. It makes me wonder if you had that idea when you took the picture. I like how black and white emphasizes the dimensions of the leaves. You can really see their texture. I also like how the black and white emphasizes the color of the middle leaf and brings it to life. Fall is my favorite time of year so I love this picture. Good job!

Jonathan S-HHS said...

This picture looks very good. I like how the background is black and white while the middle leaf is colored. This brings all my focus onto that center leaf. You did a very good job on taking and editing this photo.