Monday, October 25, 2010


Anna W.


Anonymous said...

Anna B-HHS

Anna! this picture is beautiful. I love how the leafs color pops against the earth tones in the background. I so love how you can see the water ripple from the leaf and the rock.

good job :)

Abby P-HHS said...

I think this picture is really cool. I really like how the water gives a clear reflection of the trees up above. I also like the tones in this picture and how bright the leaf is. Nicely done.

Connor B HHS said...

I really like this photo. The color of the leaf really stands out against the rock and water. I like that you managed to focus on all parts of the leaf and rock as well as the water.the mood in this photo is really peaceful and calm. its a cool photo.

Michael C-HHS said...

I really like the contrast of color between the leaf and the rock and the water. I also like how the edge where the rock and the leaf meet the water are accented. It adds a lot to the picture.

Anonymous said...

Britney B HHS
Ahh so good! Like everyone said, the leaf color looks good with the other colors. It blends yet stands out from the reflection of the water and the rock.

Ashleigh W-HHS said...

This picture is really pretty! I like the bold colors of the leaf against the dull color of the rock. The contrast is perfect. I also like how detailed it is. You can see the texture of the rock so well and see all the color spots on the leaf. I also like that you can see movement in the water as if the leaf was just dropped in. And going with color instead of sepia or black and white was a good idea too. Great picture! :)

Molly R-HHS said...

Love this one! I really like how the main subject is up close and very clear. I also like how the bright colored leaf is surrounded by the dark dirt and the light reflection in the water. I also like how the the reflection in the water is blurry because it makes the subject stand out more.

Molly R-HHS said...

Love this one! I really like how the main subject is up close and very clear. I also like how the bright colored leaf is surrounded by the dark dirt and the light reflection in the water. I also like how the the reflection in the water is blurry because it makes the subject stand out more.

Anonymous said...

I really like the composition of your photo. Also the fact that the leaf is not fully exposed is really neat. The bottom left-hand corner is kind of bright but it’s alright. The color of the leaf makes it pop out nicely.

-Ashana ERHS

Anonymous said...

Shahbaaz N-HHS
I really like this picture. I like how the main picture shows the focus. I like the reflection on the trees and rock on the water. I also like the tone of the leaves. THis picture also shows the clear view. Great job :)$