Monday, October 25, 2010

Molly P.


Kathryn D-HHS said...

I love this picture. It has a lot of great detail and it looks great in black and white. You did a great job:)

Aaliyah B. - HHS said...

I really like this picture. The differences in patterns make this picture stand out. It also looks really good in black and white. Great job!

Damaris G_HHS said...

I like this picture because it stands out from the rest, i love how it has different shades of gray/black and white. Also the angle the bridge is taken from makes it complete. This is a really good picture.

Damaris G_HHS said...

I like this picture because it stands out from the rest, i love how it has different shades of gray/black and white. Also the angle the bridge is taken from makes it complete. This is a really good picture.

Christopher J-HHS said...

I really like this photo. I love the depth perception in this photo. I like the clarity of the image, and I do like how it is black and white. I also like that its not totally centered, I think it adds to the photo. You did a great job

Mallory A-HHS said...

I really like this photo! The depth of field in this photo is awesome! I really like that the picture looks really long and deep. I really like how everything in the photo is clear and in focus and the photo looks really good in black and white. The stone at the bottom of the photo looks really cool because its not all the same color or shadings, i think it really adds to the photo! Great job!