Thursday, October 7, 2010

"The Light"

Jonathan S.
This was taken last weekend at my house. I edited it by changing the curve on it to give it a darker tone. The light source I used was the sun because I took it during the day.


Connor H-HHS said...

I really like this picture. I would like to see this picture taken at night. I really like the dark tone because it helps to show the light is in the shadow.

Michael C-HHS said...

This picture looks really cool. I like the composition. I agree with Connor H. because i like the shadows too. Keep up the good work!

Robert S-HHS said...

This picture is great! I like how the light is the only subject in the picture. I also really like the dark tone you gave the picture by changing the curve. I think it would be interesting to see this photo in black and white. Keep up the good work!

Zach Kaiser-HHS said...

I LOVE this photographical Image. It is a triumph of modern American art. You, sir, are a patriot and a saint. I love how all the colors in this photo tie together well, but maybe next time you could try it without the flash to reduce the flash. But then again, what do I know, you're a modern age Van Gogh if Van Gogh had been a photographer! Keep up the good work.

P.S. I have the photographic opportunity of a life time, if you are interested meet me at the Delta station this Saturday at Noon for a 3 week photo Safari in the Amazon rainforest.

Anonymous said...
