Thursday, October 7, 2010


Connor B.
This photo was taken in my dining room with all the lights off. all i did to edit was cover up the other candle behind this one and then crop it so its really focused on the candle. the only light is that of the candle.


Jonathan S-HHS said...

This photo looks really good. I love the way the back round is all black making the candle the center of attention. It also helps that you cropped the photo so that the candle is all we see in the picture. Keep up the good work.

Hannah M_HHS said...

I love this picture. The contrast between the background and the subject really go well together. I like how you cropped the other candle out, it really puts focus on one of them. I also really like the color of the candle at the bottom, because there was no other light you can really see all of the candles light.

Robert S-HHS said...

I really like this picture. I like how there is only one subject that can be seen. I think it would have been interesting to see the candle off center. I also like how as you look down the candle, the color gets darker and darker until it is black.

Tyler D-HHS said...

This photo looks really cool. I like how the main subject is the flame and also how the candle fades into the background. Having the lights off really adds to this photo and gives it a mysterious feel.

Haley B-HHS said...

I really like this picture. The background being all black makes the flame of the candle really stick out. I would like to see the candle off center as well. Overall this is a really good photo and gives off a scary sense.